Terry McDanel

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Citation Machine Thing #31

The bibliography of the students in their 1st Language Poetry projects were unexpectedly poor, given the number of times it was taught by both Bob and i. So i gave two small follow up assignments to insure student mastery of Citation Machine.

Citation Machine is an excellent web resource. I handed every student a book, demonstrated using the site again, then required them to do a one book bibliography with it. Students were able to copy and paste the bibliographic information into a Word file and unless it was perfect i could reject it.

To follow up, students were required to hand in their project bibliographies on paper. I modeled collecting website information again on the Canterbury Tales and then turned them loose to create their own. This is much more difficult because of the lack of standardization of websites, even ostensibly authoritative sites are difficult for students to manage. But most students were pretty well. When helping students, even i am confused by the terms "Title of the Web Page" and "Title of the Web Site". Sometimes the web page name only appears to be the window name, but i know this to be distinguished in html. And frequently i only used the base server address for the the Web Site title tho i doubt this is what Mr. Turab had in mind.

All this should be settled when we get a president for the Internet.


Blogger Karen said...

What a great example of modeling and practice! Maybe we can adapt this idea and create a lesson like this for the Dribbling Lessons . . . ? I'll contact you when I get to that point.

10:00 AM  

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